If people are looking for an alternative they can run on their own computer, Kodi is free and extremely simple and easy to set up. There's also a version you can just burn to a USB stick and run/install. Works very much the same as netflix does on a set-top box. I have it running on a 10 year old spare computer I wasn't doing anything else with.
I've started ripping all my movies and TV shows and throwing them on a NAS (you don't need a NAS and can just put the files on the same box; I just use the NAS for convenience), then point Kodi to the file share. If the files follow a particular naming convention it's able to find movie/episode info online without you having to do anything.
If people are looking for an alternative they can run on their own computer, Kodi is free and extremely simple and easy to set up. There's also a version you can just burn to a USB stick and run/install. Works very much the same as netflix does on a set-top box. I have it running on a 10 year old spare computer I wasn't doing anything else with.
I've started ripping all my movies and TV shows and throwing them on a NAS (you don't need a NAS and can just put the files on the same box; I just use the NAS for convenience), then point Kodi to the file share. If the files follow a particular naming convention it's able to find movie/episode info online without you having to do anything.