I generally use 'fed' as behavior that blackens the name of a place.
I'm just kidding him, I don't actually think he's a fed. Not only does he always strictly denounce violence, but he does his absolute best to follow the rules to the best of his ability (which unfortunately is not perfect), especially on Reddit where he knew it would be even more trouble for the place than here.
Moreover, if you're actually a fed, you'd start hating on Jews and blacks, not women.
There... once was a giant named Impy the Red,
who came riding to KiA2 from MensRights to Fed....
I'm not a Fed! Even if sometimes I go a little too far.
Of course we know you're not a fed. Just kidding you.
While I don't agree with Imp about everything ... or much ... a fed?
If he was a Fed he'd be a bit smarter about copping all of those bans, would he not?
I generally use 'fed' as behavior that blackens the name of a place.
I'm just kidding him, I don't actually think he's a fed. Not only does he always strictly denounce violence, but he does his absolute best to follow the rules to the best of his ability (which unfortunately is not perfect), especially on Reddit where he knew it would be even more trouble for the place than here.
Moreover, if you're actually a fed, you'd start hating on Jews and blacks, not women.