Simulate a vax that provides R 0.9 infection rate, so 1 person infects 0.9 who infects 0.81 who infects 0.73 ... or on average 9 total other people.
If the vaccinated only keep to themselves only 10 people get sick, but if they interact with the plague-bearers before they reach heard immunity each interaction could infect another 10.
Of course in reality the vaccine doesn't prevent infection it only delays it, so it's actually the opposite; unvaccinated who managed to skip it through herd immunity of their unvaccinated peers are at this time at risk of catching it from the vaccinated who are playing catch up on herd immunity.
Simulate a vax that provides R 0.9 infection rate, so 1 person infects 0.9 who infects 0.81 who infects 0.73 ... or on average 9 total other people.
If the vaccinated only keep to themselves only 10 people get sick, but if they interact with the plague-bearers before they reach heard immunity each interaction could infect another 10.
Of course in reality the vaccine doesn't prevent infection it only delays it, so it's actually the opposite; unvaccinated who managed to skip it through herd immunity of their unvaccinated peers are at this time at risk of catching it from the vaccinated who are playing catch up on herd immunity.