Wait for someone to report "disinformation". Reports must include description of disinformation, why it's untrue or misleading and source(s) that disprove it or they will be ignored.
Reports are reviewed manually by the disinformation team (this could take 4-6 business weeks).
If the initial report is valid, the report is stickied to the offending tweet, which remains up, along with replies.
Make them work for it and they won't even bother to report.
Easy enough.
Wait for someone to report "disinformation". Reports must include description of disinformation, why it's untrue or misleading and source(s) that disprove it or they will be ignored.
Reports are reviewed manually by the disinformation team (this could take 4-6 business weeks).
If the initial report is valid, the report is stickied to the offending tweet, which remains up, along with replies.
Make them work for it and they won't even bother to report.