Another weekly dose of sanity-based takes on The Woke, it's the latest Splash Damage:
A few games journalists and activists cried about representation in Grand Theft Auto V, so Rockstar quietly censored their own game. We discuss this cowardly decision along with a Resident Evil 4 developer’s support of censorship, Twitch’s sexism against men, a woke Cards Against Humanity clone, and Lara Croft’s slow transformation into a man.
You can find the podcast on your favorite platform or here. Thanks for listening and your support!
Standartd disclaimer: I'm not Scrivonaut and I'm not associated with the podcast, I'm just reposting this from Reddit as a signal boost for the show.
As is internet tradition I must get knowledge on why you keep recommending this, I gave them one more shot, As a news aggregator of wokness I do not get much new Intel, I cannot get here or elsewhere quicker and with better detail, It is very casual based and the description is on the level of boomer in which game is a concept of eldritch knowledge, Do you even game? Or code? Or Develop anything? Are you even part of gaming culture past or present?, When it comes to comedy there is better people or more entertaining people, If I wish to understand wokness then James Lindsay, so what value do they provided, since even if they claim to do it for free this is trash and they ask for dosh? If you cannot provided this, I will without a doubt label you a shill.
James Lindsay? You mean the guy who thinks rewinding wokeness to mid-90s level anti-White, anti-Male sentiment is going to fix things?
His solution is perhaps not the proper answer but I do think that he fills out the understanding of how the internal system of wookism function and their usage of definitions.