I prefer getting my hardware news from Gamers Nexus, so far the only political bent (that I have noticed) that might not be pro consumer is the slight environmentalism in regards to packing of their merch. We will see how long they can be focused on their core work.
I'm about as right wing as you can get without stepping into "whispering bible verses to my rifle in a bunker" territory, and I'm a total environmentalist. Conserving the planet is a right wing position.
Of course, for me that means ending foreign aid, ending global supply chains, no more business with China, India, or Africa until they sort their shit out. You know, things that would actually matter big picture. Things neither the DNC nor the GOP would ever do because it'd be unprofitable.
I do know what you mean though. Half-assed virtue signals about "going green" are often a red flag for woke beliefs. The question is, are they doing it for ass pats or because they actually care?
Hmm, good question, I think it is sadly mostly on the feel good, since they talk about how they have minimized the usage of plastic in their packing of merch, and not moving their merch production to other place (Although to be fair I'm not sure where they get their production, but I think it is china or similar)
Linus is the definition of a beta male cuck. I watched some of his videos in the past but never again.
I prefer getting my hardware news from Gamers Nexus, so far the only political bent (that I have noticed) that might not be pro consumer is the slight environmentalism in regards to packing of their merch. We will see how long they can be focused on their core work.
I'm about as right wing as you can get without stepping into "whispering bible verses to my rifle in a bunker" territory, and I'm a total environmentalist. Conserving the planet is a right wing position.
Of course, for me that means ending foreign aid, ending global supply chains, no more business with China, India, or Africa until they sort their shit out. You know, things that would actually matter big picture. Things neither the DNC nor the GOP would ever do because it'd be unprofitable.
I do know what you mean though. Half-assed virtue signals about "going green" are often a red flag for woke beliefs. The question is, are they doing it for ass pats or because they actually care?
Hmm, good question, I think it is sadly mostly on the feel good, since they talk about how they have minimized the usage of plastic in their packing of merch, and not moving their merch production to other place (Although to be fair I'm not sure where they get their production, but I think it is china or similar)