A number of discussions that SM had about genetics and intelligence being the most determining factors of success in life, and the disbelief that humans are just empty vessels at birth to be filled up with either good stuff or bad stuff by the environments around them. Genetics when applied to humans is racist, therefore Molyneaux must be racist.
Anybody who has kids realizes there there was already a pre-determined person there from the getgo and they were never empty vessels to be determined later.
I guess I meant in the sense that he never stated he disliked someone over their race. He has interesting perspectives. I may not agree with him on everything but I like to listen to him. I remember he had Walter Williams on and had a great discussion with him
A number of discussions that SM had about genetics and intelligence being the most determining factors of success in life, and the disbelief that humans are just empty vessels at birth to be filled up with either good stuff or bad stuff by the environments around them. Genetics when applied to humans is racist, therefore Molyneaux must be racist.
Anybody who has kids realizes there there was already a pre-determined person there from the getgo and they were never empty vessels to be determined later.
I guess I meant in the sense that he never stated he disliked someone over their race. He has interesting perspectives. I may not agree with him on everything but I like to listen to him. I remember he had Walter Williams on and had a great discussion with him
Molyneux can't promote racialism because he's Jewish and his audience is mostly not. If he promotes judging based on race he loses his shekels.
Sorry for the dumb question but I see the term racialist. Is that the same as a race realist?
Any sort of racial leanings. He promotes an ideology that's anti-racism for a reason.