The end game for globalists is white peoples scraping by as pools of productivity and taxation. The elites need whites to prop up the commie pyramid scheme long enough for all of the resources to migrate to the 1%. You’ll see this play out as leftists parties begin to embrace reduced immigration platforms only after it is too late to actually save white nations.
The obvious problem with that is that only having the bare minimum of production is a good way to make the system implode. The fall of the Soviet Union should've made it obvious that this won't work, but communists aren't typically known for being good at long term planning.
The end game for globalists is white peoples scraping by as pools of productivity and taxation. The elites need whites to prop up the commie pyramid scheme long enough for all of the resources to migrate to the 1%. You’ll see this play out as leftists parties begin to embrace reduced immigration platforms only after it is too late to actually save white nations.
The obvious problem with that is that only having the bare minimum of production is a good way to make the system implode. The fall of the Soviet Union should've made it obvious that this won't work, but communists aren't typically known for being good at long term planning.