In reality bosses want their workers back and most workers would rather stay at home. Pure self interest is the deciding factor, and it's divided by class, not sex and race.
Workers would rather stay home because it's more comfortable and lets them turn their wasted time into useful time. (10 minutes until the meeting starts? Put in a load of laundry)
Supervisors and bosses would rather have you at the physical location so they can control your productivity and crack down on wasted time better.
That's pretty much all there is to it, invoking gender and race politics here is sheer delusion.
But these articles always feel far-removed and alien to me, because neither myself nor anyone I know does office work. We all do machining. The constant assumptions that the country runs on office work feels like a fantasy of white collar urbanites, and their complaints over office politics feel like the histrionics of a rich woman who can't see outside her sphere.
In reality bosses want their workers back and most workers would rather stay at home. Pure self interest is the deciding factor, and it's divided by class, not sex and race.
Workers would rather stay home because it's more comfortable and lets them turn their wasted time into useful time. (10 minutes until the meeting starts? Put in a load of laundry) Supervisors and bosses would rather have you at the physical location so they can control your productivity and crack down on wasted time better.
That's pretty much all there is to it, invoking gender and race politics here is sheer delusion.
But these articles always feel far-removed and alien to me, because neither myself nor anyone I know does office work. We all do machining. The constant assumptions that the country runs on office work feels like a fantasy of white collar urbanites, and their complaints over office politics feel like the histrionics of a rich woman who can't see outside her sphere.
I disagree completely, this whole narrative they've cooked up is their tactic describing everything backwards, of how it is.
What most workers want is the office to return to a point of sanity. Most people do not want to work in social isolation cubes.
It sounds like what you're saying is a conclusion from the carefully manipulated gossip network.
The people are good at manipulating these these neyworks are the people who most want no office.