It is no mere coincidence that despair and hopelessness have risen in direct proportion to use of social media.
Add to this free hardcore porn on demand; limited prospects for meaningful work or work that pays enough to allow home ownership; a culture that tells white boys they are born evil and black boys that they are incurably stupid and doomed without the charity of liberal white people; a movement in our public schools bent on destroying the idea of sex and family; a political climate rife with deception and corruption; and a medical establishment whose ethics help the left subvert sexual reproduction and promote trans-sexuality . . . have I left anything out?
It's a wonder the numbers are not way higher. Of course the New Woker acts mystified. They contribute to the problem and they know it.
It is no mere coincidence that despair and hopelessness have risen in direct proportion to use of social media.
Add to this free hardcore porn on demand; limited prospects for meaningful work or work that pays enough to allow home ownership; a culture that tells white boys they are born evil and black boys that they are incurably stupid and doomed without the charity of liberal white people; a movement in our public schools bent on destroying the idea of sex and family; a political climate rife with deception and corruption; and a medical establishment whose ethics help the left subvert sexual reproduction and promote trans-sexuality . . . have I left anything out?
It's a wonder the numbers are not way higher. Of course the New Woker acts mystified. They contribute to the problem and they know it.