I remember being on Livejournal in the early to mid 00's and I don't remember exactly happened because its so long ago but I remember there being a mass exodus of certain people off of there to Tumblr. Knowing some of the people who left I could see Tumblr would become some weird kind of hyper feminist cult.
True, but much of the problem has also been centralization. Whether facebook/twitter/reddit/youtube, or just everyone using google to search the web.
also because YouTube was bought by Google, and they do heavy political manipulation
That's the second problem that ruins everything: once something becomes big enough it draws the attention of the parasites, the social justice crowd.
I remember being on Livejournal in the early to mid 00's and I don't remember exactly happened because its so long ago but I remember there being a mass exodus of certain people off of there to Tumblr. Knowing some of the people who left I could see Tumblr would become some weird kind of hyper feminist cult.