I was thinking how to post the same thing really. Idolatry is really the key word from that statement because it can be anything. I've known people who obsess and idolize sports, sure. I've also known people who do the same with video games. That's why I really think it's foolish to when I hear someone say "sports are bad," "video games are bad," etc. because often times the context around it is hypocrisy and their obsession is okay. As far as I'm concerned none of it is bad if it's just a time filler, but when it becomes a integral part of your self, when it becomes idolatry it's a problem.
I was thinking how to post the same thing really. Idolatry is really the key word from that statement because it can be anything. I've known people who obsess and idolize sports, sure. I've also known people who do the same with video games. That's why I really think it's foolish to when I hear someone say "sports are bad," "video games are bad," etc. because often times the context around it is hypocrisy and their obsession is okay. As far as I'm concerned none of it is bad if it's just a time filler, but when it becomes a integral part of your self, when it becomes idolatry it's a problem.