WEF wrote: Artificial Intelligence for Children
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The whole point of AI is to be biased.
I've read parts of it and all I could find was a focus on inclusivity and how "AI can be biased" - pc for we do not like the results.
However I have a gut feeling this is the next step in removing parents from kids, leave the AI to teach your kid at home instead of spending time and bounding with your kid. Hopefully I'm just paranoid.
I don't know. Letting an actual AI run wild could be surprisingly based.
The papper kind of talks about that, it advises to make sure your AI is inclusive and not have biases. AIs are as good as you program them to be.
The reason why AI has seemed based was do to leftists thinking the reason we have racial or gender discrepancy is do to discrimination. So they designed the AI to be be gender and racial blind. This had the opposite result with bigger discrepancies. However the AI can easily and reliably be programed to be racist.
AKA: You do everything to ensure equality of outcome at the very least. But honestly, if your AI doesn't prefer the same people we do, we deem it biased. Now go fuck you and your dream of advancing AI-technology for real.
They want to curate the AI to modern day politics.
This is however is not my concern, not at all. I think this is a reaction to parents being up in arms against CRT and queer theory in schools. The left pushed far to much on kids and now they turned on parents, saying that parents should not be the ones deciding how to teach their own children.
They now want to encourage companies to make AIs that help teach children. Just leave your child in front of the computer with this AI that will teach your child for you. At first it will focus on math, then you will notice that it is full of racial and gay stuff.
You will no longer have math problems with 4 girls and 7 boys, how many kids are there in total. You will have 3 kids identify as furies and 2 kids are straight white boys and are somehow evil and somewhere in there some math stuff. By the time parents realize what is happening they will be so lazy and used to the comfort of not having to dedicate part of their Netflix time to their kids that they will just allow it.
Similar with how people did not cancel their Netflix account despite having Cuties on.
While your theory doesn't seem as far fetched as i'd like it to be, there's one flaw.
They already have all of this but without the possibility of at least somewhat cautious parents to recognize shit going on. It's called public school and there's reasons why parents don't get to participate. Good reasons and evil reasons.