Hillier said he was surprised by charges and denies assaulting anybody. He will have his chance to defend himself in court. Has retained top lawyer @DavidAnber One question for him is can Frontenac MPP get a fair trial in light of heated mood over the convoy is in Ottawa?
Randy Hiller is an elected member of the Ont. legislature. Trudeau’s police are jailing him for supporting the truckers. Canada is no longer a free country. We’re only partly free. Hillier is a political prisoner. But because he opposed lockdowns, the media will cheer his arrest
Hillier was recently deplatformed from Twitter. I've seen it before: politically marginalized people are silenced; and when when they lack the ability to make their case they're arrested and prosecuted. Did the police contact Twitter, like they did with the trucker GoFundMe?
The CBC will cheer this; so will the Toronto Star and the Globe. Partisan Liberals, who hated Hillier's conservative policies and his folksy style, will cheer it too. But will any elected Conservatives defend him? I doubt it. They've been silent on arrested truckers & pastors.
If they can do it Randy Hillier, they can also do it to Maxime Bernier and the PPC.
Max and the PPC held pancake breakfasts at the trucker convoy on weekends under their banner (not that there's anything wrong with that).
Inb4 "literally Hillier" memes.
I see what you did there.......
I doubt that for some reason.
nitter link: