You believe in identity politics, you believe in socialism and the national variant that gave us volkisch equality and the forgiveness and promotion of myriad of pedophiles because they were good nazis. You are hateful towards any demographic that isn't your own and you attack all Jews. You support genocide and violence.
I can't believe I have to point this out. As you are a prime example of someone who tolerates evil and wickedness.
And where was I evil? Is it evil to stand against everything I just said you stand for?
Because I consider your hatefulness, your identity politics, your defense genocide and the nazi politics in regards to not punishing certain people because they were good nazis hateful.
What you just did, with identity politics, denying the wrongdoings, genocide, attacking a demographic as if it was a monolith, supporting wars and death, violence and more makes you evil. Amazing that standing against evil like you, you think I am being evil. Talk about little self-awareness.
You believe in identity politics, you believe in socialism and the national variant that gave us volkisch equality and the forgiveness and promotion of myriad of pedophiles because they were good nazis. You are hateful towards any demographic that isn't your own and you attack all Jews. You support genocide and violence.
I can't believe I have to point this out. As you are a prime example of someone who tolerates evil and wickedness.
Those deserving of hatred. I hate evil.
If you want me to stop hating you, it's really easy to accomplish. Stop being evil. You might want to try it sometime.
And where was I evil? Is it evil to stand against everything I just said you stand for?
Because I consider your hatefulness, your identity politics, your defense genocide and the nazi politics in regards to not punishing certain people because they were good nazis hateful.
Yiu still have no self awareness.
Despite your constant claims that this applies to everyone else, you aren't self aware enough to realize.
There's a good example. This never happened. You made it up. And you did it to try and point away from the countless wrongdoings of various Jews.
That's evil.
Stop being evil. it's easy.
realdrjester is an admitted jewish shill. He is not arguing in good faith.
And in the next paragraph, you prove that you are literally not even remotely self-aware.
Next time, read history, ok?
SS-Sonderkommando “Dirlewanger" aka the monster is the most famous of the nazi pedos
What you just did, with identity politics, denying the wrongdoings, genocide, attacking a demographic as if it was a monolith, supporting wars and death, violence and more makes you evil. Amazing that standing against evil like you, you think I am being evil. Talk about little self-awareness.
Stop being evil.
Comment Reported for:
Comment Approved: It isn't either of these.
Wait, they reported a 19 day old post?!
Bad jew, no sheckles for you
Comment Reported for: Rule 3 - Threaten harass, bully, defame
Comment Approved: I don't really see how.
I get a mercedes for every post.
We know you live in a shitty little apartment lol
13 days to reply? Took you that long to think of that reply? Yeah, that shitty apartment is your head as I stayed there, rent free for 13 days.