we didnt go easy on the countries we were invading, dumbass.
It doesn't make sense, considering a lot of the Ukrainians are normal people too.
wow its almost like theyre nazis who killed innocent people before. WAOOOOOOW. is this babys first book about ukraine? (dont answer we know it is)
If they do not care about their soldiers, their conscripts(they never did), they will care even less about people around them.
If joe biden had 10 trillion dollars, then he doesnt have 1 trillion dollars. its just logic
the US media isn't also government controlled.
For the most part, it isn't.
LOL. brah NPC quote LMAO. and you named like 4 blogs.
what cable news doesnt have spin?
Just because the person you hate, your enemy chose not to go down that particular road does not mean, by obligation you have to take it.
it is funny how with your history, you literally support neonazis becuase they released convincing propoganda that was above your iq .
you sit down, analyze the information and make a proper choice
maybe if you hated stormcucks, you would also hate armed nazis, that you hate one (unarmed racists) and not the other (who actually harms people), it makes it clear to me that this is a troll account, or your intelligence went to shit after gamergate.
this documentary, that got attacked in wikipedia for displaying the real facts of the soviets, communism and nazism
Russia is not soviet nor communist today, if its not discussing nazism in ukr and its link to the militias, then its irrelevant to this whole thread.
The stormcucks in kia2
Ahahahaha. for the bois who are playing at home, this is the time where you take a drink, his first attempt at calling people who disagree stormcucks (in this thread, so far).
make excuses for Russia and siding with them
I havent sided WITH russia, ive sided against militias of murdering terrorists.
that you support them, even with the nazi regalia, is funny, thx for gracing us with your utter hypocrisy, and continue to call people stormcucks, especially those who fight actual nazi militias lmao
It is funny how you support Chechens, terrorists, neonazis, communists, soviets and more
He starts to talk about Nazis, and not the old ones, the new ones, some of whom are in the Azov’s ranks.
Huh, so not everyone on Azov is a nazi. Interesting. Thank you for the source! I will save it for future use. I will have to archive this post though. Just in case.
Remember this?
Russia is not soviet nor communist today, if its not discussing nazism in ukr and its link to the militias, then its irrelevant to this whole thread.
Shows you did not even bother to watch the documentary, as it even talks about Putin and Russia today. I expected more from you. All I see is spergs now.
we didnt go easy on the countries we were invading, dumbass.
wow its almost like theyre nazis who killed innocent people before. WAOOOOOOW. is this babys first book about ukraine? (dont answer we know it is)
If joe biden had 10 trillion dollars, then he doesnt have 1 trillion dollars. its just logic
LOL. brah NPC quote LMAO. and you named like 4 blogs.
what cable news doesnt have spin?
it is funny how with your history, you literally support neonazis becuase they released convincing propoganda that was above your iq .
maybe if you hated stormcucks, you would also hate armed nazis, that you hate one (unarmed racists) and not the other (who actually harms people), it makes it clear to me that this is a troll account, or your intelligence went to shit after gamergate.
Russia is not soviet nor communist today, if its not discussing nazism in ukr and its link to the militias, then its irrelevant to this whole thread.
Ahahahaha. for the bois who are playing at home, this is the time where you take a drink, his first attempt at calling people who disagree stormcucks (in this thread, so far).
I havent sided WITH russia, ive sided against militias of murdering terrorists.
that you support them, even with the nazi regalia, is funny, thx for gracing us with your utter hypocrisy, and continue to call people stormcucks, especially those who fight actual nazi militias lmao
It is funny how you support Chechens, terrorists, neonazis, communists, soviets and more
Remember this?
Shows you did not even bother to watch the documentary, as it even talks about Putin and Russia today. I expected more from you. All I see is spergs now.
Remember this source? https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-many-neo-nazis-is-the-us-backing-in-ukraine posted here: https://archive.ph/aVR4r
Does that mean all Trump supporters are nazis? You are sperging out like the democrats did against Trump and Trump supporters.