A - the vaccines don’t work. Hong Kong had a 90% inoculation rate. They’re locked down because the outbreaks are out of control.
B - social distancing and contact tracing, a hallmark of China and Hong Kong don’t work to stop the spread or rate either. (Could’ve told you that.)
Assuming that we can believe the Chinese when they say COVID is the reason for all of this. That may be what they're telling everyone, but I'd say the point of this nonsense, especially in manufacturing hubs like Guangzhou and Shenzhen and financial centers like Hong Kong, is to deliberately disrupt global supply chains, possibly in a conscious effort to destabilize Western countries and governments in the lead up to war.
A - the vaccines don’t work. Hong Kong had a 90% inoculation rate. They’re locked down because the outbreaks are out of control. B - social distancing and contact tracing, a hallmark of China and Hong Kong don’t work to stop the spread or rate either. (Could’ve told you that.)
It’s insanity.
Assuming that we can believe the Chinese when they say COVID is the reason for all of this. That may be what they're telling everyone, but I'd say the point of this nonsense, especially in manufacturing hubs like Guangzhou and Shenzhen and financial centers like Hong Kong, is to deliberately disrupt global supply chains, possibly in a conscious effort to destabilize Western countries and governments in the lead up to war.