I think it's a good thing that the last SW I had watched was Episode III; this was my first teaser of the Disney era, and what can I say: I will not watch this one, just as I did not watched the others.
(For me, the Star Wars franchise is Star Wars from 1977, and I don't care about the other films or television series.)
Star Wars ends for me after the Clone Wars series. Maybe Rebels. ALL the Disney movies and series suck after that - including the Mandalorian.
Although for full disclosure I did see TFA and TLJ (refuse to watch ROS), Solo and Rogue One. I don't have Disney+ tho and watch Mando at a friend's place.
Disney itself has become hot work garbage in all aspects - I think Wreck it Ralph was the last good movie they put out and they've succeeded in destroying both Disney and Pixar animation studios.