@RWApodcast: "Ramzan Kadyrov's shitposting is reaching awe-inspiring levels. He just posted this on his Telegram channel"
"Japan imposed sanctions on Russian citizens, among whom was me.
I was just beginning to understand the tawdry policies of the States and their European acolytes, who were imposing sanction and freezing my non-existent bank accounts in order to demonstrate their activism. But Japan? A country with a centuries-old tradition of morality and noble 'Bushido' behavior, which has always stood apart from the rest of the world, has suddenly buckled under Europe. I really wonder how such seemingly intelligent people suddenly went and froze my assets, which I never had in Japan in the first place.
Most likely, in addition to being banned from my financial activities, I am now banned from watching anime and enjoying cherry blossoms. I'm going to join the ranks of ninjas and do it secretly. Eh, I can't become a ninja now, either...
I just have to take exactly the same countermeasures. From now on, the Japanese leadership is forbidden to set foot on Chechen soil, except in two places - the mental hospitals in the villages of Bragun and Samashki. I am not a beast so as to deprive them of the treatment they need. All of their property and bank accounts will be seized and sold, and the money will be sent to a development fund for the Kuril Islands.
And seriously, I don't care about any sanctions of any country. I'm afraid of only one thing - to fall under the sanctions of the Almighty! I'm only afraid of ruining my relationship with Allah! ☝"
So, uh, what was written there?
You know, unlike Russian authors of this tweet, I can't access Twitter.
This is his Telegram channel. Perhaps you can tell us how accurate the translation is.
"Japan imposed sanctions on Russian citizens, among whom was me.
I was just beginning to understand the tawdry policies of the States and their European acolytes, who were imposing sanction and freezing my non-existent bank accounts in order to demonstrate their activism. But Japan? A country with a centuries-old tradition of morality and noble 'Bushido' behavior, which has always stood apart from the rest of the world, has suddenly buckled under Europe. I really wonder how such seemingly intelligent people suddenly went and froze my assets, which I never had in Japan in the first place.
Most likely, in addition to being banned from my financial activities, I am now banned from watching anime and enjoying cherry blossoms. I'm going to join the ranks of ninjas and do it secretly. Eh, I can't become a ninja now, either...
I just have to take exactly the same countermeasures. From now on, the Japanese leadership is forbidden to set foot on Chechen soil, except in two places - the mental hospitals in the villages of Bragun and Samashki. I am not a beast so as to deprive them of the treatment they need. All of their property and bank accounts will be seized and sold, and the money will be sent to a development fund for the Kuril Islands.
And seriously, I don't care about any sanctions of any country. I'm afraid of only one thing - to fall under the sanctions of the Almighty! I'm only afraid of ruining my relationship with Allah! ☝"
Translation is accurate enough.
Don't get where is the basedness though. Like, he cuts out the counter measures paragraph and goes "Ok globohomo", this instantly gets more based.