I reached the same conclusion this way: Discrimination is bad, but because you have to be able to discriminate to maintain a standard, that means no more standards-- because standards are discriminatory.
There's no way to say "No" once the train leaves the station.
The implication is that they know their bullshit is made up attention-seeking nonsense.
A truly delusional person would insist that they are in fact a cat-person, because they actually believe it, but that other people are how they appear not how they claim to appear. Like how reincarnated Napoleon gets upset when he meets another Napoleon at the asylum.
These people didn't have anyone that slapped them (physically or mentally) and told them to stop being idiots. When you're growing up people need a father or male role model to set limits so you grow up knowing how a normal person behaves. Turns out Footloose was actually a tragedy where the dance-banning hero fell and couldn't prevent society from degenerating into trash people.
I reached the same conclusion this way: Discrimination is bad, but because you have to be able to discriminate to maintain a standard, that means no more standards-- because standards are discriminatory.
There's no way to say "No" once the train leaves the station.
The implication is that they know their bullshit is made up attention-seeking nonsense.
A truly delusional person would insist that they are in fact a cat-person, because they actually believe it, but that other people are how they appear not how they claim to appear. Like how reincarnated Napoleon gets upset when he meets another Napoleon at the asylum.
These people didn't have anyone that slapped them (physically or mentally) and told them to stop being idiots. When you're growing up people need a father or male role model to set limits so you grow up knowing how a normal person behaves. Turns out Footloose was actually a tragedy where the dance-banning hero fell and couldn't prevent society from degenerating into trash people.
I've been feeling that way about quite a few older movies that I used to think had a happy ending, but now realize the good guys lost.