The movie sucks, don't watch - not worth a detailed review/synopsis so here is the short version. Spoilers following.
The first scene has a woman lecturing her son on privilege, at least she soon dies. Then there is a big section in the middle where the main character "nobleman" blubbers while apologizing for the British Empire.
There is a mary sue woman who is sassy to men and "THE BEST" at arbitrary skills that are useful to the plot, at the end of the movie she is dressed like a dyke larping steampunk.
The plot is a convoluted fictional tying together of the historical events surrounding WW1 that I didn't really bother following. The action was OK but forgettable. The only standout was the dance fight scene with Rasputin, who was the only interesting character so of course they had to make him a wierdo sodomite.
Overall it was worse than Kingsman 2 which was just barely watchable.
That film literally had Keanu fighting two midgets. Keep in mind Reeves is 6'1 but still, look at these screengrabs
Even with everyone standing and Reeves in the background it's clear how much of a height difference there is.
Being overly fair both actors are in roughly the same stance so comparatively they are as short as each other, however Reeves is still towering over the other guy.
It's not until you have Reeves literally on his knees there is some degree of matching.
Again, Reeves is on his knees here, the other guy is standing upright behind him.
He should have just punted them both down the stairs.