These people are cowards who are, deep down, ashamed of themselves; that's why they hide. That and they're likely working for the establishment and would embarass some very prominent people if they were exposed.
I want people to know I donated. I want them to know I went to Ottawa. Because the people who are opposing the truckers are cowards and fascists and, if there are any in my life, I want to know who they are.
This is becomming a war and battle lines are being drawn. People need to pick a side because "Don't mandate my body" is the neutral position, and it's already under attack.
These people are cowards who are, deep down, ashamed of themselves; that's why they hide. That and they're likely working for the establishment and would embarass some very prominent people if they were exposed.
I want people to know I donated. I want them to know I went to Ottawa. Because the people who are opposing the truckers are cowards and fascists and, if there are any in my life, I want to know who they are.
This is becomming a war and battle lines are being drawn. People need to pick a side because "Don't mandate my body" is the neutral position, and it's already under attack.