I never said they were. Some men certainly are capable of being happy and fulfilled on their own, without needing to indulge in either porn or woman-worship, and that is certainly an ideal that most men should aspire to, but of the two options that you just.very simplistically laid out: occasionally consuming porn (and harming nobody) or risking your entire future by trusting someone who can ruin your life on a whim with no consequences to herself, I would argue that the latter is the greater evil.
I never said they were. Some men certainly are capable of being happy and fulfilled on their own, without needing to indulge in either porn or woman-worship, and that is certainly an ideal that most men should aspire to, but of the two options that you just.very simplistically laid out: occasionally consuming porn (and harming nobody) or risking your entire future by trusting someone who can ruin your life on a whim with no consequences to herself, I would argue that the latter is the greater evil.