17 UK will make you verify age with your credit card to access porn. I guess #MoreFeminineWay needs men to be worshipping women rather than being past these base desires. (archive.is) posted 3 years ago by TheImpossible1 3 years ago by TheImpossible1 +28 / -11 63 comments share 63 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Ya don't get married or have a relationship. Sit in front of a screen cooming to pixels and degenerate whores.
Mgtow will always be anti man if it supports boys growing up normalizing and encouraging porn use.
Not as anti-man as teaching boys that the only way for them to be a man is to keep chasing pussy until they get caught by it, and to spend the rest of their lives as a wage slave to an increasingly ugly and demanding shrew.
How about you try and reinforce positive outcomes instead of encouraging cooming cause it's not as bad as getting divorced?
You call it reinforcing positive outcomes. I call it peddling delusion.
You can recommend something else. Why are super simp or coomer the only options?