I'm sure y'all have heard a lot of modern day sci-fi/fantasy authors or comic book writers sneer whenever someone critiques them about injecting politics into their work. Or they usually say "they have always been political" or like Tanahesi (not sure I spelled it correctly) Coates said that he writes his comic books (I'm sure Marvel hired him for his passion for comics) to make us feel uncomfortable.
It has been said time and time again that with good writing you can address any theme and since people started writing stories different themes have always been addressed. I just think it is absurd for them to get mad if you say you want to read a book and just escape. I mean who isn't familiar with left wing talking points by now?
Why do they get so upset if you critique the injection of modern day politics or lack of escapism? I think it is a valid critique.
It's the whole "the personal is political" thing. If you're not pushing the Revolution you're an enemy of the Revolution, and enemies of the Revolution have a habit of getting canceled by mobs on social media. Ever notice how whenever a rare piece of entertainment excludes politics or includes it tastefully it gets accused of X-ism and Y-phobia? It's about enforcing the Permanent Revolution, as well as insurance for the enforcers against being the mob's next target.