So after seeing the news about how the sales of gay superman are tanking (color me surprised) I remembered how a few weeks back an owner of a comic book store that I met at a convention I was working told me I could make some quick and easy cash selling my Female Thor #1 and my Ms. Marvel #1 as soon as their shows come out. I bought those back when I still had the "give everything a chance" mindset. I gave that mindset up a while back, then reading Don't Give Money to People who hate You kind of solidified it.
It is funny about the whole gay superman thing. At what point do you realize that while most people have no animosity against the lgbt crowd or while I may have a religious objection I have no desire to harass anyone about how they live, they are still a very small group and a lot of people are probably not interested in stories that push it heavily.
Yeah Marvel and DC are just slash fanfiction now.
well I could probably make between 100 and 200 selling them. I know my Miles Morales 1st app has skyrocketed (even the second and third prints) and I bought those when they first came out. With the big 2 along with Image I buy their old stuff in the back issue section. I'm currently going through Vol. 1 of The Avengers and Thor. Great stuff, and there are more older comics than I could get to in my lifetime. I will support non woke creators so I'll check out the comic book Young Rippa is making.