I decided to try out tinder and discovered the site is absolute garbage. There are no real browsing options, interest selection is limited, there are fucking trannies who failed to properly disclose their status so they show up where they shouldn't, and it prohibits you from manually disclosing your location by forcing you to use location services.
Edit: Was likely banned for saying in the account description I hate regressive leftists and muslims, and also for saying I hate gender identity. Another possibility was that defending lolicon got me wrongfully banned for pro-pedo speech.
I am fortunately blessed with being at a school that, well, I'm not sure of the ranking but I know it's probably not anywhere near the T10 schools. Which, that's fine for me because I really don't plan on leaving my state and have been blessed with having already taken care of the issue of what I plan on doing for work after school.
ANyway, all that to say I don't see anywhere near the crazy coming out of Harvard, Yale, and what have you at my law school. It's still there and learning the true extent of wokeism in the legal field has still been pretty blackpilling though.
In my school, for instance, I have to tow the party line re: Biden, the coof, all the usual suspects. In my first year my fellow classmates (a mix of leftists and conservatives) were all going on about how we were SOOOO inclusive and SOOOO diverse. Quite surprising to me because that circlejerk was started by an open Republican (prob a year or so younger than me, so mid-20s at the time).
As for the professors, there's at least a small handful of open CRT people. It was a big victory for them to get some sort of bs racial access to justice office opened at the law school within the last few years. To their credit I haven't seen their CRT stuff bleed into the classes of theirs I took, but then again that's been things like Contract law, Evidence, various other courses where it's just going through court opinions. I'm sure it's a different story with their electives.
There are professors who are against that sort of thing, but sadly they're either about to retire or are so self-serving that they hurt the anti-wokist side more than help and make everyone on our side look like idiots by association.
Student-body wise, most of us are just trying to get through school, if they have political views they keep it to themselves or, if they're heterodox they'll talk...if no one known to be woke is around..in hushed voices of course. Wouldn't want wokists to overhear.
So, at my law school in particular, it's not as bad as could be feared, but worse than I'd hoped. I really worry for when the older professors really start retiring. We've already had several do so within the last few years and the CRT ones have decades left ahead of them.
That's really interesting, and I'm glad to hear it's not quite as full blown crazy as I thought.
I've not been to law school, but work with many who have. My impression is that unless you want to be a professor (Harvard/Yale/Stanford/NYU are for you) or work for a top New York City law firm, the ranking of the law school is a pretty shit measure for what they do.
I think probably 90% of the emails I see from professors or students today have pronouns listed. Bleh.
I've been following a couple stories recently that are not pretty for freedom of speech (and there are plenty more).