In Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the Court overturned the conviction of Clarence Brandenburg, a member of the Ku Klux Klan who had made inflammatory statements, by insisting that it would only punish advocacy that "is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action."
The Bradenburg “test” is still the principle used today to legally judge advocacy of violence. Imminent and produce being the key words here.
Per the rules which have been horrendously written. Rule 2: Do not engage in speech that promotes, advocates, glorifies, or endorses violence.
As there is no context provided for what constitutes “violence” I’m going to start reporting every comment since words can fall under violence. As people here regularly play games, any mention of any game that contains violence, real or imaginary, must be removed as the display of violence is promoting of it. Any media that has glorified or promoted violence will also not be permitted as to reference to them would also promote violence.
I would highly encourage DoM or AoV to rewrite rule 2 and 16. As it would only take a few people tired of the subjective subjugation to start spamming reports.
A few things to unpack here.
Firstly, of course they want it shut down. Leftists are tyrants and they seek nothing less than the destruction of humanity.
That said, DDOS attacks aren't exactly something that justifies having a vague rule against "violence" in the board's rules.
Fedposting isn't relevant. They can't actually do anything. The vast majority of that false flag crap on reddit was done by AHS and other such subs to try and shut down things that weren't leftist... because they could abuse reddit's subjective rules and Marxist friendly admins. Which they can't do because for one they aren't here, and for two the admins don't care either way.
Not by law enforcement no. That's what we were talking about. This site's admins aren't beholden to that kind of crap or we'd have been gone 21 January 2021.
Who cares? Only liberals give a rat's ass about "hate" as though Star Wars morality were actually real.
And once again, if their board can exist on Win without getting deleted by law enforcement, there is no particular reason for us to be afraid either.
I didn't say it did, I'm saying that's a demonstration that there is real, tangible, hostile intent against everyone on this site, and the site itself. Which is why I feel that there are more than a few bad actors who would like to balkanize and destroy the forum, and drive away people from viewing us.
Fedposting is relevant because it's part of their objectives in regards to Information Warfare and Information Operations tactics to infiltrate, subvert, and control groups and movements that it targets. Part of the operations are actions taken against forums to control and manipulate them.
To be clear, these are hostile actions by bad actors. This isn't something you leave open, just like you don't allow for a country to have open borders. These fuckers get in specifically to cause problems.
Even if federal law enforcement doesn't shut down anyone, they have many other weapons at their disposal besides shutting shit down. Many of it involves getting people and organizations to operate in a way that allows them to take more severe action later. It's absolutely key to understand that fedposting is enemy actions in regards to information warfare.
And yes, Gab wasn't shut down by law enforcement, instead literally every other dirty trick has been done against them except that.
Because it's another Information Warfare tactic. The issue is that normal people don't have any in-built resistance to people incessantly screeching about jews, and literally all sides know this. Feds, Glowies, and Leftists particularly are happy to very obviously LARP and screech because it's a useful weapon to demoralize people from using the site, as well as becoming an excellent method of balkanizing the userbase itself into antagonistic factions that end up with the whole community imploding.
I used to think that anytime we stumbled upon a National Socialist, a Fascist, a White Nationalist, or otherwise individual on the subreddit, I assumed it was because there was basically a cascade of outcast people, and the first people we got, would be the ones outcast first. But I don't really think that's so much the case anymore, especially when I know for a fact that we're not on Reddit and people aren't coming to us as a last refuge.
Instead, genuine alt-righters know exactly how to get around every rule I set, exploit the euphamism treadmill, and don't even get banned (unless they go and do something extra spicy, and even then they can just remove the offending part of the post and get unbanned). At this point, I've moderated some of these people for 2 years and we both know how I role and how to adapt to me. But that doesn't explain the user who only posts about jews, sperging the fuck out literally all the time, which surprises no one because his username is "Time4AnothaShoa1488". No, the legit ones aren't stupid and know when to shut up, and also when to lean in to win their arguments. But there's an extraordinary number that won't. A clearly disproportionate number compared to reality. And the same thing happens every time: these people turn up on every platform, squat on it, sperg out and say the most insane and offensive things that would offend the sensibilities of anyone who isn't absolutely hardened to internet spergs, and they do it until there's no one left and the place has no support outside the extreme fringe.
Take Poal as a good example. Poal was made from people *who had to evacuate VOAT because it had turned into a complete shit show. Now, even in the welcome threads and posts, you will just get a whole bunch of people throwing almost cliche'd antisemetic posts at you. But if you read why they do it, it's because it's a form of gatekeeping. After you get past the initial wave of "the jews did 9/11" they talk like normal human beings who ave other conversations unrelated to jews, even if some of them are genuine antisemites. The absolute sperg-a-thon tends not to happen, unless someone brings up a recent criminal or political event. It's doesn't happen in any other place, this is mostly because Poal is very small and unknown.
I genuinely believe that a lot of these actors are not even genuine members of the alt-right, but are explicit bad actors attempting to destroy forms as an act of information warfare.
That is also why I'm concerned about how much "hate" is portrayed on alternative sites: it doesn't reflect reality, it reflects enemy action. It's so much about offensiveness, because even most spergs calm down, it's about people making a dedicated effort to demoralize, balkanize, and destroy opposition media.
And anti-semetic spergs are just one common tactic of this enemy action. A much better and ubiquitous tactic is the flame wars and genuinely violent speech from one user against another. Not only does it get around most ideological partisanship, as we've seen with violent speech against the unvaccinated, conservatives, and whites, it's also a way to exploit tribalism to it's maximum potential.