Back from the post-holiday hiatus, Scrivonaut and Norayla return for more hot takes on the woke gaming world in a new episode of Splash Damage!
The collective internet mocked Kotaku after they published an article claiming that Halo: Infinite hurts players’ feelings by tracking individual scores. We join in on the mocking and also discuss Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard, people claiming it’s racist that a Dead by Daylight cannibalistic murderer wears a black victim’s face as a mask, Bloomberg’s complaint that games are sexist and Horizon Forbidden West is not because its hero is ugly, Kotaku’s angst that non-black people are making a game with a black protagonist, a G4 host’s tirade about sexist gamers, Polygon really wanting Frodo and Sam to be gay, and plenty more.
It's been a few weeks, but you can listen to this new episode here or wherever you listen to podcasts. Thanks, as always, for supporting us!
Standard Disclaimer: I'm not Scrivonaut and I'm not affiliated with the podcast, I'm just a fan that wants to give it a signal boost
if having a score alienates you, you SHOULD be alienated.