I did one of those ancestry DNA tests a few years back and the results weren't surprising. Mostly black, around 20% European, some native american, and a tiny tiny bit of Chinese/Filipino. Since I am big on genealogy and the family tree I like it because it connects you with anyone who shares DNA with you from siblings to super distant cousins. Every few months I check on matches and I'll reach out and try to figure out how we are related if possible.
I met a white distant cousin and since he lives within 10 miles of me we decided to meet up for lunch recently. I was so surprised I had to hold back laughter because one of the first things he did was apologize for slavery (the ggg grandfather we have in common had children with slaves on the side besides his legit family). I asked him what he has done to apologize for and he sounded like a typical brainwashed college student. He had all the talking points about privilege, systemic racism, and the rest. Since I wanted to just eat lunch and get to know him I gave a little push back and then changed the subject. Surprisingly there may be some hope with him. He invited me to a party him and his wife are throwing next month so I'll see him again then.
I am so tired of hearing about privilege. Life is a lottery and you can be born in either a billionaire family or the poorest third world village and everything in between. I would say two privileges that I had were being born in the United States and having two involved parents (who have been married almost 50 years now). As a kid I used to hate it when my mom dragged us to the library because she insisted that we frequently read but now I am grateful for it. She also used to make us listen to tapes in the car that taught different vocabulary words. Another thing I'm grateful for now.
Just boggles my mind how many people live to be oppressed or seem to feel some sense of moral superiority by whining about how hard they have it in their suburban home.
And that is exactly why pol is the way it is. Any right leaning minority, at this point especially, has been told that they don't deserve their heritage. They've been cast out into the wilderness. That has a way of fostering bitterness and resentment.
It's kind of like how in the rare instance someone survives exile, they almost always start plotting to destroy the state that exiled them out of spite. They don't care that it's "their people", they just want the people who wronged them to suffer.
And I get called an Uncle Tom for saying that America has made a ton of progress (progress that is now being dismantled of course) in race relations and other things. Also this constant hand wringing over our past is beyond ridiculous. I’m all for learning about American history the good/bad/ugly but I’m tired of this narrative of constantly talking about how evil western countries are. They should definitely teach slavery from a global perspective and also teach that land conquest has been done everywhere