That's really delusional. There was never a stereotype - especially not in the 80's - of black men being awkward around the women. Probably the opposite idea was pushed. If anything his character was a groundbreaking example of "equality" by not making Geordi a hip young wisecracking engineer with Charisma 100 who beds all the white women and always has something clever to say.
Now that I think about it, I believe his original casting sheet said he had "street smarts" and they wanted Wesley Snipes for the role. Dodged a bullet there.
That's really delusional. There was never a stereotype - especially not in the 80's - of black men being awkward around the women. Probably the opposite idea was pushed. If anything his character was a groundbreaking example of "equality" by not making Geordi a hip young wisecracking engineer with Charisma 100 who beds all the white women and always has something clever to say.
Now that I think about it, I believe his original casting sheet said he had "street smarts" and they wanted Wesley Snipes for the role. Dodged a bullet there.
You mean Lt. Reginald Broccoli?