At its base, a musicologist studies music--and anything about music. So you could have sociologist / historian / linguist who is a musicologist. So yeah, a horse shit degree.
Musicologist does not necessarily mean someone who knows anything about music, who can play any musical instrument, or who can compose any music. I have respect for all of those things.
I can take a guess as to what kind of musicologist this douche is...
That's as much bullshit as modern literary analysis. You can literally make shit up and pretend it's a "valid critique" as if you're some kind of authority on the subject. Let's see this soyboy faggot make some respectable music of his own. Then, I might be inclined to give a fuck what he has to say. Wait, no I wouldn't. Musicians should stick to making music and soyfags should stick to drinking soy (if this kid is even strong enough to open the bottle on his own without calling his wife's boyfriend).
I have some experience with university-level literary analysis at the moment when that field became irretrievably converged. One of my instructors was old school, and you couldn’t sneak a weak thesis past him. If the text didn’t legitimately support what you claimed, he would fail your ass.
My second instructor was a leftist woman. She would pass literally anything so long as you started with the “correct” (aka feminist) conclusions. People in the classes wrote the most insane analyses backed by laughably thin evidence - and often times explicitly contrary to the bulk of the text - and she just lapped that shit up.
I eventually stopped trying altogether in her classes. It was way easier to just bullshit my way through it all with boilerplate feminist nonsense. She gave me A’s. I correctly assessed that the entire field of literary criticism was fraudulent idiocy.
dafuq is a musicologist? more soy degrees?
At its base, a musicologist studies music--and anything about music. So you could have sociologist / historian / linguist who is a musicologist. So yeah, a horse shit degree.
Musicologist does not necessarily mean someone who knows anything about music, who can play any musical instrument, or who can compose any music. I have respect for all of those things.
I can take a guess as to what kind of musicologist this douche is...
That's as much bullshit as modern literary analysis. You can literally make shit up and pretend it's a "valid critique" as if you're some kind of authority on the subject. Let's see this soyboy faggot make some respectable music of his own. Then, I might be inclined to give a fuck what he has to say. Wait, no I wouldn't. Musicians should stick to making music and soyfags should stick to drinking soy (if this kid is even strong enough to open the bottle on his own without calling his wife's boyfriend).
I have some experience with university-level literary analysis at the moment when that field became irretrievably converged. One of my instructors was old school, and you couldn’t sneak a weak thesis past him. If the text didn’t legitimately support what you claimed, he would fail your ass.
My second instructor was a leftist woman. She would pass literally anything so long as you started with the “correct” (aka feminist) conclusions. People in the classes wrote the most insane analyses backed by laughably thin evidence - and often times explicitly contrary to the bulk of the text - and she just lapped that shit up.
I eventually stopped trying altogether in her classes. It was way easier to just bullshit my way through it all with boilerplate feminist nonsense. She gave me A’s. I correctly assessed that the entire field of literary criticism was fraudulent idiocy.
Literary criticism (ex Linguistics) has no methodology.