I swear every time I see the front page, it's ConPro shilling for women and race wars.
Cowards banned me for calling them out. They fucking know what they're doing. I hope the NOW checks bounce, you pathetic traitors of humanity.
I wonder how many ConPro retards will downvote me.
"but muh biology, wymyn always left weak men in the past!" - Yeah, but we aren't in fucking cave culture. We moved past it. Notice how most people aren't murdering each other over disagreements?
When impossible1 is right, he is right... conpro is a disgrace. Apt acronym too, CP , especially considering how the people they fap and worship actually were pedos and incestuous rapists
Story probably never happened either way, OP is definitely some cuck pretending to be a woman so he can get people to read his humiliation fantasy.
You didn't even read the comments bro.
I swear every time I see the front page, it's ConPro shilling for women and race wars.
Cowards banned me for calling them out. They fucking know what they're doing. I hope the NOW checks bounce, you pathetic traitors of humanity.
I wonder how many ConPro retards will downvote me.
"but muh biology, wymyn always left weak men in the past!" - Yeah, but we aren't in fucking cave culture. We moved past it. Notice how most people aren't murdering each other over disagreements?
When impossible1 is right, he is right... conpro is a disgrace. Apt acronym too, CP , especially considering how the people they fap and worship actually were pedos and incestuous rapists