Anyone who believes those things is Christian. Any person who doesn't believe in Jesus is not of Judah but of the devil, so says Jesus himself. The old testament is Christian. There is no judeo Christianity there is only Christianity.
Christianity. There is no religion before Cbrisitsnity, it became Christianity with Jesus. Judaism doesn't exist because if people followed the old testament they would be Christian and accept Jesus.
Anyone who believes those things is Christian. Any person who doesn't believe in Jesus is not of Judah but of the devil, so says Jesus himself. The old testament is Christian. There is no judeo Christianity there is only Christianity.
Then whose Religion did the Torah... sorry, old testament comes from?
Christianity. There is no religion before Cbrisitsnity, it became Christianity with Jesus. Judaism doesn't exist because if people followed the old testament they would be Christian and accept Jesus.
Say how much you don't know history and christianity without actually saying it.