and alibaba/aliexpress. the only benefit you're getting when you buy through amazon is the easy return policy. when you receive chinese garbage from amazon, it's a shitload easier to return than sending chinese garbage back to china and hoping you get your money back.
You don't need original packaging. Just put it in a box and send it back. You can probably still do it now. Just go on your orders page and return it. You have to fill something out online and print it though so go through their actual steps but its pretty easy. Do that, then fuck Amazon.
All caps brand names are usually dropshippers from Wish.
and alibaba/aliexpress. the only benefit you're getting when you buy through amazon is the easy return policy. when you receive chinese garbage from amazon, it's a shitload easier to return than sending chinese garbage back to china and hoping you get your money back.
You don't need original packaging. Just put it in a box and send it back. You can probably still do it now. Just go on your orders page and return it. You have to fill something out online and print it though so go through their actual steps but its pretty easy. Do that, then fuck Amazon.