What's the difference. Sweden is literally a meme, Finland is worse but less known, Denmark is Sweden-lite and I can't remember what Norway's politics are.
Welfare states are a wealth transfer from men to women.
Also, the Austrian government is "based anti-immigration", look how that went. Means absolutely nothing because the More Feminine Way thrives on division, so they can take or leave immigration.
What's the difference. Sweden is literally a meme, Finland is worse but less known, Denmark is Sweden-lite and I can't remember what Norway's politics are.
Denmark is the most based country in Western Europe... thanks to the Danish People's Party led by... (hide, HIDE!) a woman.
Reading up on them reminds me of Boris Johnson. "immigration is bad but leftist economics good"
Well yeah, the Danes like a welfare state, and they don't like Muslims coming in raping and plundering.
Welfare states are a wealth transfer from men to women.
Also, the Austrian government is "based anti-immigration", look how that went. Means absolutely nothing because the More Feminine Way thrives on division, so they can take or leave immigration.