Logic is damage control? Are you dense? Our enemy employs lies and illogical arguments to deceive people, to weaken them, so they can gain power over them. Good people are good because they align closer to truth and logic. If you suggest logical arguments are "damage control", you're either an idiot incapable of seeing the world for how it is, or you're the shill.
You can't know for certain Patriot Front are feds. You're not God, you're just a man using bad and illogical arguments, to cover for your fear. Even if they had feds in their ranks, you can't know their exact numbers, or if they're the ones making the decisions in the organization. You're afraid that feds are around every corner and under every rock, that they're everywhere and all powerful, that the people stand no chance and shouldn't fight back. You will deny this of course, but it is the end result for what you espouse, you're just too hard headed to admit that you're wrong.
You're a coward hiding behind bad arguments because you've been lulled into complacency by comfort. You've been defeated, and rather than admit this and change, since you're still alive and have free will, you remain in your position of defeat, hoping others will fix all of the world's problems for you while you sit on your couch. The irony is that you also demonize anyone that could actually fight back against the tyranny and evil we face. Organizing, communicating, demonstrating, training, preparing, these are all necessary intermediate steps to get to the necessary end steps. You can't jump from point A to Z without the steps between, yet you're demonizing the people taking those necessary middle steps.
The "glowie" and "fed" vitriolic comments Patriot Front and other organizations are getting, that organize and demonstrate against the state and globalists, is to keep people fearful of feds, to keep them disorganized, uncommunicative, and inactive.
Evil wins if we do nothing. We deserve the evil we don't resist. Our world becomes what we tolerate.
Logic is damage control? Are you dense? Our enemy employs lies and illogical arguments to deceive people, to weaken them, so they can gain power over them. Good people are good because they align closer to truth and logic. If you suggest logical arguments are "damage control", you're either an idiot incapable of seeing the world for how it is, or you're the shill.
You can't know for certain Patriot Front are feds. You're not God, you're just a man using bad and illogical arguments, to cover for your fear. Even if they had feds in their ranks, you can't know their exact numbers, or if they're the ones making the decisions in the organization. You're afraid that feds are around every corner and under every rock, that they're everywhere and all powerful, that the people stand no chance and shouldn't fight back. You will deny this of course, but it is the end result for what you espouse, you're just too hard headed to admit that you're wrong. You're a coward hiding behind bad arguments because you've been lulled into complacency by comfort. You've been defeated, and rather than admit this and change, since you're still alive and have free will, you remain in your position of defeat, hoping others will fix all of the world's problems for you while you sit on your couch. The irony is that you also demonize anyone that could actually fight back against the tyranny and evil we face. Organizing, communicating, demonstrating, training, preparing, these are all necessary intermediate steps to get to the necessary end steps. You can't jump from point A to Z without the steps between, yet you're demonizing the people taking those necessary middle steps.
The "glowie" and "fed" vitriolic comments Patriot Front and other organizations are getting, that organize and demonstrate against the state and globalists, is to keep people fearful of feds, to keep them disorganized, uncommunicative, and inactive.
Evil wins if we do nothing. We deserve the evil we don't resist. Our world becomes what we tolerate.