A fundamental misunderstanding of how the private military industrial complex drives the American war machine continually. If we leave the weapons and assets there, we'll have to buy more, putting more money ultimately in the pockets of the politicians and military officials who have made back room deals with the producers of aforementioned weaponry. Why would they give a fuck when they can print money at an unlimited, unrestricted pace via the private Federal reserve? Assuming they have no morals, which is abundantly clear, our interest does not align with theirs whatsoever at this point. This government does not serve the people at all, whatsoever.
Yeah, that's what happens when you can't implement planned obsolescence. The material needs to be expensive and work well, but you also need to find excuses to keep siphoning money from average people.
This is also how the "foreign aid" scams operate. The people in 3rd world countries always want more gibs, the middle men and managers take a massive cut, and the only real result is that people ultimately paying for it are worse off.
The people that are receiving the aid are worse off too as it obliterates the local economy. A policy of state dependence was first pursued by the Grant administration with regards to the indian question. It proved so effective that it was expanded to blacks and eventually the entire world.
A fundamental misunderstanding of how the private military industrial complex drives the American war machine continually. If we leave the weapons and assets there, we'll have to buy more, putting more money ultimately in the pockets of the politicians and military officials who have made back room deals with the producers of aforementioned weaponry. Why would they give a fuck when they can print money at an unlimited, unrestricted pace via the private Federal reserve? Assuming they have no morals, which is abundantly clear, our interest does not align with theirs whatsoever at this point. This government does not serve the people at all, whatsoever.
Yeah, that's what happens when you can't implement planned obsolescence. The material needs to be expensive and work well, but you also need to find excuses to keep siphoning money from average people.
This is also how the "foreign aid" scams operate. The people in 3rd world countries always want more gibs, the middle men and managers take a massive cut, and the only real result is that people ultimately paying for it are worse off.
The people that are receiving the aid are worse off too as it obliterates the local economy. A policy of state dependence was first pursued by the Grant administration with regards to the indian question. It proved so effective that it was expanded to blacks and eventually the entire world.