The working world, when it was male dominant, was 100x more fun to work in. Guys could "shoot-the-shit" with each other, say whatever they wanted and competitiveness was seen as fun not as "toxic". The work environment when it was male dominant made people better because the men would compete with one another and strive to improve. Work was actually a lot more "fun" and in some ways it was a "safe-space" for men to get away from all the drama and toxicity that existed in their personal lives.
Women have utterly destroyed the workplace. Men's lives are inarguably much worse with women in the workplace. Nothing good has come of this.
The More Feminine Way.
But no, I think they'll still want sewer workers and the likes. I doubt they'd do any hard work.
Maybe they'll let Bezos hold some power and get him to make Amazon drone bots to do the work for them in exchange.
I wish people would stop using The Great Reset.
It wasn't even the title of the article, which was written by a feminist woman.
As Boris Johnson says : "Build Back Better, In a More Feminine Way.
You'll own nothing because you're filthy males and you'll be happy about it.