posted ago by YesMovement ago by YesMovement +45 / -0

You might remember the Saskatchewan Health Authority, they previously tweeted "Your risk from COVID-19 is not determined by age, fitness level or community...your risk is determined by vaccine status": https://kotakuinaction2.win/p/13zgX6WPAc/saskatchewan-health-authority-sp/c/

Now they're being snarky cunts:


Ladies & gentleman: My Health Authority. Belittling & gaslighting a mother with a daughter who is suicidal over the vax mandates. This isn't their only condescending, uncompassionate reply to her, either. They must have a snarky worker on PR this week. Despicable.


"Dr Google" is not a reliable source of information. Please speak with an expert (your physician) if you have questions.


So you've doubled down & added condescension. Nice. This is inappropriate behavior for a gov account. You'd have been better off ignoring her. Note: You disproved zero of her concerns, or mine. But this will be good for my ongoing SHA compilation for a Rebel story. So thanks!

Then they responded to the backlash with "I'm sorry you're offended": https://archive.md/Vqq2E

It is not belittling & we are sorry you took it that way. It is an appeal to seek medical advice from a medical expert when it comes to vaccination questions. We also provided you with sincere advice for you to call HealthLine 811 for mental health support/advice yesterday.


The woman you replied to wrote a multi-part thread about how this vaccine mandate is causing her daughter's suicidal ideology. Flippantly throwing out 811 (a government agency that she obviously won't trust) is not compassion. You can backtrack but we all saw this.

And don't be sorry to me. Be sorry to her & the many lives ruined by this with NO reasonable scientific answers provided for WHY it has to be this way. Please review all of my links proving her concerns. Or not. I'll continue to inundate the Premier's email address, then.


This is a thread of articles & comments I sent to SK Health when they gaslit the mother I previously posted about. Lots of good mainstream stuff in there about both lack of efficacy in vaccines reducing transmission, & of risks. Not that SHA recognized ANY of it, of course.