No, when blacks kill asians, the media reports on how "grassroots" orgs are working to stop "anti-blackness" in asian communities that result from the killings.
Unfortunately, while recent immigrant asian parents are usually successful in raising economically successful kids, they do an extremely poor job at instilling any identity other than an economic-based one. Normally, this would be a good thing under a healthier America (see: many Japanese and Chinese who assimilated very well), it has been tragic with the left fully indoctrinating children in the education system.
As a result, we've seen the asian demographic go from one that was relatively split down the political middle to one that very closely resembles the black community.
No, when blacks kill asians, the media reports on how "grassroots" orgs are working to stop "anti-blackness" in asian communities that result from the killings.
Unfortunately, while recent immigrant asian parents are usually successful in raising economically successful kids, they do an extremely poor job at instilling any identity other than an economic-based one. Normally, this would be a good thing under a healthier America (see: many Japanese and Chinese who assimilated very well), it has been tragic with the left fully indoctrinating children in the education system.
As a result, we've seen the asian demographic go from one that was relatively split down the political middle to one that very closely resembles the black community.
LMAO so NPR actually knows how to say something besides "DAS RAYCISS" when their agenda calls for it.