I distinctly remember fauci warning of a "surprise" biological outbreak long before covid was ever a concern. We need to be paying attention to these little bits and pieces of information that seem almost meaningless initially.
Those born in America might be safe from the pox, but they would not be safe from the foreigners who, believing their death is imminent, would run rampant. Imagine, if you can, the wild abandon of the "bug chasers" and "gift givers" applied to people with a grudge against whites and a room temperature IQ.
There might be a million such foreigners here, who are waiting for nothing more than a push to devolve back into feral ferocity, mixed in among those who fled their like south of the Rio Grande and east of the Atlantic.
I distinctly remember fauci warning of a "surprise" biological outbreak long before covid was ever a concern. We need to be paying attention to these little bits and pieces of information that seem almost meaningless initially.
If there is a smallpox outbreak, I'm going to break rules one and two in places where the consequences are much more severe than this little forum.
Green Poison has entered the chat
Those born in America might be safe from the pox, but they would not be safe from the foreigners who, believing their death is imminent, would run rampant. Imagine, if you can, the wild abandon of the "bug chasers" and "gift givers" applied to people with a grudge against whites and a room temperature IQ.
There might be a million such foreigners here, who are waiting for nothing more than a push to devolve back into feral ferocity, mixed in among those who fled their like south of the Rio Grande and east of the Atlantic.
It probably would be appropriate to consider slipping some smallpox into Bill's reclaimed feces water, simply as a self-defense measure
Almost anything else would be safer and as effective, if less poetic.
Lead would be excellent, in fact. There is nothing so humiliating to a man who considers himself a deity as transient madness.