That wooden door was nothing but a quick Soviet prop, not unlike the entire chambers. The real chambers have been all demolished before the Germans evacuated the camp (the initial ones already in 1943-1944).
It wasn't supposed to be more efficient (it wasn't, and which you can compare to the tens of thousands machine gunned in 1 day in the Aktion Erntefest in 1943, following preparations of course), but more humane. In particular more humane for German personnel (who furthermore were barely involved in it in any way, due to the heavy Sonderkommando use in addition to the employment of the Soviet Trawniki-Manner, almost as disposable as they would have been otherwise likely starved or worked to death in a Wehrmacht-run Russenlager - more humane to them, too, yes).
That wooden door was nothing but a quick Soviet prop, not unlike the entire chambers. The real chambers have been all demolished before the Germans evacuated the camp (the initial ones already in 1943-1944).
Btw the Warsaw "Old City" is also just a prop after the Germans demolished the real one in 1944. And the initial communist plan was to never even rebuild/build anything there:
We're not Soviets.
An actual door (from Majdanek):
It wasn't supposed to be more efficient (it wasn't, and which you can compare to the tens of thousands machine gunned in 1 day in the Aktion Erntefest in 1943, following preparations of course), but more humane. In particular more humane for German personnel (who furthermore were barely involved in it in any way, due to the heavy Sonderkommando use in addition to the employment of the Soviet Trawniki-Manner, almost as disposable as they would have been otherwise likely starved or worked to death in a Wehrmacht-run Russenlager - more humane to them, too, yes).