The problem with believing in natural rights is that it often (not always) makes people complacent as their rights get eroded. The Right tends to believe in natural rights and the Left does not, but notice that the Left is constantly fighting for their rights. It may be bullshit rights like forcing other people to refer them as their preferred fake gender, but the Left fights for it.
The Right needs to understand what the Left already understands when it comes to rights, that might makes right. And I am not necessarily talking about the use of violent force, but also the use of propaganda & other uses of soft power to sway the opinions the masses. Alot of the reason that we are, where we are, is because the Right let the Left have the culture. If the Right cares about their rights, they must engage in the eternal struggle to maintain/gain their rights and not take their rights for granted.
The problem with believing in natural rights is that it often (not always) makes people complacent as their rights get eroded. The Right tends to believe in natural rights and the Left does not, but notice that the Left is constantly fighting for their rights. It may be bullshit rights like forcing other people to refer them as their preferred fake gender, but the Left fights for it.
The Right needs to understand what the Left already understands when it comes to rights, that might makes right. And I am not necessarily talking about the use of violent force, but also the use of propaganda & other uses of soft power to sway the opinions the masses. Alot of the reason that we are, where we are, is because the Right let the Left have the culture. If the Right cares about their rights, they must engage in the eternal struggle to maintain/gain their rights and not take their rights for granted.