I have the "Indecision 2004" DVD set from The Daily Show, and she is the one person I find insufferable from that era. Even fucking Stephen Colbert and John Oliver are funny, much as I hate to say it. Her major segment was a criticism of the US violently revolting from the Crown instead of doing whatever Canada did to obtain some semblance of independence (since they are still technically subjects of the Crown despite having an independent government).
I have a dream that one day Canadians who prefer the Canadian way of doing things would stay in Canada instead of moving down here and telling us how we ought to do things. Perhaps if your way was so superior you wouldn't have felt the need to come here.
I have the "Indecision 2004" DVD set from The Daily Show, and she is the one person I find insufferable from that era. Even fucking Stephen Colbert and John Oliver are funny, much as I hate to say it. Her major segment was a criticism of the US violently revolting from the Crown instead of doing whatever Canada did to obtain some semblance of independence (since they are still technically subjects of the Crown despite having an independent government).
I have a dream that one day Canadians who prefer the Canadian way of doing things would stay in Canada instead of moving down here and telling us how we ought to do things. Perhaps if your way was so superior you wouldn't have felt the need to come here.
colbert was legit funny back in those days, and even oliver has his moments.
everybody on the daily show was funny with the exception of samantha fucking bee...
Hell, even the guests were occasionally funny.