Danchenko claimed to have interviewed six individuals with knowledge of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. However, during a 2017 FBI interview, Danchenko contradicted many of the dossier’s key assertions. As a result, the FBI concluded that “the reliability of the dossier was completely destroyed,”
My thoughts on the matter:
In 2017 the FBI already knew it had no credibility but the media was pushing this narrative based on the dossier anyway, that made a feedback loop between the FBI and the media and lead to the first impeachment.
It is a major thing, an actual fake news that was used to try to take down the president in the most direct way possible. This is a lot more then some funny memes.
This should be hammered by the Republicans all the way, request that media companies be held accountable and definitely have a restructuring of the FBI in order to cram down on the political partisan nature of the current FBI.
I'm also looking at r/Conservative and there are little no no discussions on the matter, why is that?
r/conservative is cucked. It is moderated by controlled opposition who are Ben Shapiro types.
I think this is covered by the plot against the president movie, right?
Don't restructure the FBI. Eliminate it. (there's no political chance of doing either but we can dream)
And I mostly put the responsibility on such government agencies. As bad as the media is, legally they can lie all they want and nothing can happen unless someone sues them for defamation which is difficult to do as a public figure under current law. A hearing with some politician pointing his finger at the head of CNN and saying "do better" would be completely meaningless. It is the responsibility of government, politicians, and judges to start ignoring news media.