This CNN Profile intentionally chooses this family to profile because at a passing glance, 12 gallons seems like a lot. It's perfect for Twitter shit-takes, and in the trending, Twitter included a summary mocking the family for 12 gallons of milk per week. So all you have is a bunch of retards posting reaction gifs while smugly complaining about American wastefulness... Even though those same retards are just as guilty of overindulging in shit if not more so.
This CNN Profile intentionally chooses this family to profile because at a passing glance, 12 gallons seems like a lot. It's perfect for Twitter shit-takes, and in the trending, Twitter included a summary mocking the family for 12 gallons of milk per week. So all you have is a bunch of retards posting reaction gifs while smugly complaining about American wastefulness... Even though those same retards are just as guilty of overindulging in shit if not more so.