FBI Sat On Bombshell Footage From Kyle Rittenhouse Shooting
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Is it a bombshell? It only confirms the rest of the footage.
And the Aryan tumblrinas?
Amazing how you want to evict(We all know what you really want to do) people like Thomas Sowell, Eric July, Ben Shapiro, and others and keep the Aryan tumblrinas because of race.
Identity politics hasn't worked and it will never work. You are the prime example of it.
Race has been the primary glue that keeps societies together in all cases throughout history and diversity they're undoing. You can get a race divided by religion or economic systems, but you can't unite diverse races with anything. Wanting a homogeneous society, evicting people who are not of that group, does not mean you want them dead. And if they stay, Whites will end up dead and their countries destroyed. You're projecting, you want Whites dead, either purposely or from, at this point, gross incompetence. Diversity=White genocide. Take you pick, evict or destroy the west.
'Race has been the primary glue that keeps societies together'
Kinda but not really. Europe was a war-torn hell hole more often than not, through out it's existence. ETHNICITY, VALUES and CULTURE are what keeps societies together. It's why globohomo has such a hard time getting into Eastern Europe, Asia and Japan, even though not all the natives are the same people on a haplogroup level.
Thank you. They make some good points but I can’t go along with the racial thing. Are there moronic black ppl? Sure but great ones too. I’m all for voluntary separation. In fact if I could I’d buy land for everyone who only wants to associate with their own race. But I’m a firm believer in looking at the individual
Alright, show me a society where this worked. Because right now you are witnessing the same thing happening AGAIN. but this time against whites. How does it feel like being excluded from society and blamed for everything? Glad to know you like antifa, communists and your pink haired brothers and sisters instead of people like Thomas Sowell. So damn glad to know where you draw the line.
And can you quote me exactly where I want genocide? QUOTE ME.