So here's the dealio - apparently the jannies over at half-KIA decided that it'd be in their best interest to nuke Scrivonaut's post about the latest episode of Splash Damage shortly after he posted it. They claimed it was going to run afoul of the SEKRIT ROOL about not saying anything bad about you-know-what-group. I didn't even know it had been posted until the podcast turned up in my podcatcher app over the weekend and I noticed it this morning on the way to work.
As such, here's the text of what should have appeared over on plebbit (which I would normally copypasta here), and a link to the Patreon page with the podcast:
Military shooter Battlefield 2042 has a character named Emma who looks like a woman but goes by they/them pronouns. We talk about this pandering tokenism in a game that glorifies warfare, of all things, along with Riot’s decision to eliminate chatting with opponents in League of Legends, CSI pushing its anti-Gamergate narrative, Dave Chappelle landing in hot water for his trans jokes, Superman becoming bi, Amazon’s Lord of the Rings series including black hobbits, and plenty more.
Standard disclaimer - I'm not Scrivonaut nor am I associated with the podcast, I'm just a fan that feels the show deserves a signal boost
AKA the Pygmies. Gotta get some representation before they're all eaten.