So the guy is someone well known? That makes it even better. This is the kind of crap that "red pills" people. Although in the case of idiots, they rarely recognize they connection.
The same guy who broke his sign yelled that he had a "weapon," likely in an attempt to incite the crowd to physically attack him.
The guy is a scumbag and has been identified as a write for Netflix. In another interview I saw of this protest he repeatedly drones on about his tranny kid, then he goes on this spiel about how he's protesting because he's so lucky he's in a "liberal state and liberal city," as opposed to a red one where people would see Chappelle's special as a reason to hate trans people or some shit. Real paranoid schizo crap that illustrates he's a completely mindless consumer who totally eats up mainstream media stereotypes and fantasies of conservatives.
Where it gets really crazy is he mentions that, "some people will think it's ok to make jokes at the expense of others with no real consequences for it," implying that people making what a few — not all and certainly not most — would consider an "offensive" joke should have actual consequences for doing so. Given the flow of the conversation it seems very much like he believes that jokes he doesn't like should be policed and people should face some sort of consequences, whether socially or legally for telling them — because he doesn't like them.
These people are off their rocker insane ideologically obsessed lunatics. This guy not only very clearly couldn't control his anger, so he committed assault, battery, larceny, and property destruction, he also tried to incite a mob to violence and advocates for nobody being allowed to say things he doesn't like. He should truly be institutionalized because he's psychotic.
These same assholes never have a problem laughing at everyone else's expense, even celebrating it, but the moment they're the butt of the joke — you know, treated like equals — they have a full meltdown and victimize themselves.
That video has a lot to unpack, too. Besides that insane Netflix writer, you also have a woman who continuously nearly hugs the guy, then everyone acts like the guy is invading her space — we even see a soycuck trying to get the guy to back up.
Then you have the mob screaming at him like a bunch of retarded children throwing a temper tantrum.
There's a ton of media looking to capitalize on it all like the bloodthirsty assholes that they are; we of course know that they'll still spin it to make the guy look bad and not the actual crazy crybully mob.
Finally, there's a chick who proves that these losers are pretty much a religious cult of self-worshiping assholes, as she screams "repent!" while bashing on her stupid little tambourine.
Why anyone actually concedes to these pieces of gutter trash is completely beyond me. It never serves any good. They only do it because they enjoy holding power over other people. It's exactly why they're constantly attempting to exert control over others. They do it because they lack any meaningful control over their own lives and joining a mob makes them feel strong, when the reality is they're a bunch of weak and fragile pussies.
Let me re-word that title: “Far-left activist clowns attack a far-left activist clown.”
Vito is absolute bottom of the barrel scum, but it’s hilarious to see this South Park episode come to life.
So the guy is someone well known? That makes it even better. This is the kind of crap that "red pills" people. Although in the case of idiots, they rarely recognize they connection.
Vito, he's a troll for fun and profit online and offline.
He's sort of like a very lite version of Frank Hassle or this other guy whose name I forgot.
Lmao did some guy say he had a weapon after he broke his sign I can't hear it's loud in my workplace
The same guy who broke his sign yelled that he had a "weapon," likely in an attempt to incite the crowd to physically attack him.
The guy is a scumbag and has been identified as a write for Netflix. In another interview I saw of this protest he repeatedly drones on about his tranny kid, then he goes on this spiel about how he's protesting because he's so lucky he's in a "liberal state and liberal city," as opposed to a red one where people would see Chappelle's special as a reason to hate trans people or some shit. Real paranoid schizo crap that illustrates he's a completely mindless consumer who totally eats up mainstream media stereotypes and fantasies of conservatives.
Where it gets really crazy is he mentions that, "some people will think it's ok to make jokes at the expense of others with no real consequences for it," implying that people making what a few — not all and certainly not most — would consider an "offensive" joke should have actual consequences for doing so. Given the flow of the conversation it seems very much like he believes that jokes he doesn't like should be policed and people should face some sort of consequences, whether socially or legally for telling them — because he doesn't like them.
These people are off their rocker insane ideologically obsessed lunatics. This guy not only very clearly couldn't control his anger, so he committed assault, battery, larceny, and property destruction, he also tried to incite a mob to violence and advocates for nobody being allowed to say things he doesn't like. He should truly be institutionalized because he's psychotic.
These same assholes never have a problem laughing at everyone else's expense, even celebrating it, but the moment they're the butt of the joke — you know, treated like equals — they have a full meltdown and victimize themselves.
That video has a lot to unpack, too. Besides that insane Netflix writer, you also have a woman who continuously nearly hugs the guy, then everyone acts like the guy is invading her space — we even see a soycuck trying to get the guy to back up.
Then you have the mob screaming at him like a bunch of retarded children throwing a temper tantrum.
There's a ton of media looking to capitalize on it all like the bloodthirsty assholes that they are; we of course know that they'll still spin it to make the guy look bad and not the actual crazy crybully mob.
Finally, there's a chick who proves that these losers are pretty much a religious cult of self-worshiping assholes, as she screams "repent!" while bashing on her stupid little tambourine.
Why anyone actually concedes to these pieces of gutter trash is completely beyond me. It never serves any good. They only do it because they enjoy holding power over other people. It's exactly why they're constantly attempting to exert control over others. They do it because they lack any meaningful control over their own lives and joining a mob makes them feel strong, when the reality is they're a bunch of weak and fragile pussies.
All leftists constantly practice the tactic of “screaming out in pain as they strike you”.
They learned from the best.